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The Center for innovative creativity of schoolchildren of the Nauryzbay district
ГДК им Ыкыласа Дукенулы
ДК Абая
Амфитеатр Арбоб
Дворец культуры имени Калдаякова
Ilya Bobrov's Workshop Theater
The Theater (resto karaoke)
Кыргызский Национальный театр «Манас»
Дворец школьников
Кукольная театр-студия «Буратино»
Capital Tower
Креативный хаб «ÓzgeEpic»
Театр FreeДа
КазНТОБ им. Абая
Zhambyl Regional Russian Drama Theater
ДК Шахтинск
Uzynagash House of culture
P2P theater
Өнер орталығы
Өнер орталығы
Театр им.Бобура
Ш.Термечиков атындагы Чүй облустук музыкалык драма жана сатира театры
Дом культуры им. Т.Модагалиева
Talgar House of Culture
Творческое пространство Mount Orta
Гос. академ. театр драмы Лермонтова (гастроли)
Arts Center
«Өнер орталығы»
Дворец Хамзина Балхаш
Enbekshikazakh District House of culture (Dom Kultury im. T. Modagalieva
Мәдениет үйі
Blue Star of Kazakhstan
DK Saran
Театр 705
K. Kuanyshbayev State Academic Kazakh Music and Drama Theater
ДК Темиртау
Музыкально-драматический театр города Туркестан им. Сейтметова
музей ВС РК
Поисково-экспериментальный театр «Синтез»
Государственный русский драматический театр им. Вл. Маяковского
Театр «La Boheme»
Центр современной культуры Целинный
Районный Дворец культуры
Kyrgyz national Academic Drama Theater named after Toktobolota Abdumomunova
Experimental theater «Rock whale»
Keremet Family Theater Center
Mangystau Regional Puppet Theater
Театр им. Кожамкулова
Temirtau Palace of Culture
Astana Ballet
Альянс-театр 2act
Театр для моей птички
Theater of the Young Actor Balaganchik
Palace of Oilmen named after Dina Nurpeisova
Astana Opera
Khamzin Balkhash Palace
M23 Platform
Экспериментальный театр юного зрителя имени М. Касымова (Ахорун)
Orken Studio-Theater
Таджикский государственный академический театр оперы и балета им. С. Айни
Jolda Theater
Ресторан ТУРАН ЕЛ
Театр «Жаңа Ғасыр»
Школа театра и кино «Professional»
Дом купца Шахворостова
Almaty theatre
Almaty theatre
А. Тоқпанов атындағы Жамбыл облыстық қазақ драма театры
Theater-studio HOUSE OF CULTURE
State Republican Puppet Theater "Lukhtak"
Государственный республиканский театр кукол - Лухтак
English-language Theater KELT
Мастерская театра ARTиШОК
Caffe del Teatro
Creative space «ArtCotel»
GARTD them. Lermontov
Театр Юного Зрителя
Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater
Performing Arts Center
Turkestan Music and Drama Theater
Uzbek Drama Theater of Shymkent
Regional Kazakh Musical and Drama Theater named after Sh. Kusainov
State Dance Theater «Naz»
Ресторан СВЕТ
Esentai Gallery
Fountain «Eastern Calendar»
Городской дом Культуры
Musical Theater of Young Spectators
K. Kuanyshbayev State Drama Theater
Бишкекский городской драматический театр им. А. Умуралиева
The TeatRon Cultural Space
Astana Musical
Theater Stage
State Youth Theater of Uzbekistan
Natalia Sats Theater for Children and Youth
The «HOUSE» space
Total theatre
Regional Kazakh Drama Theater named after Hadisha Bukeyeva
Alakay theater
A. Lokhuti Drama Theater
The touring stage of the Abai Theater (Semey)
Youth Creative Center
East Kazakhstan Regional Drama and Operetta Theatre
Shymkent City Opera and Ballet Theater
Abu Dhabi Plaza
Recreation Center of Students (at KSTU) named after Z. Aldamzhar
BATHA Theatre
Русский драматический театр им. Станиславского
Taldykorgan Drama Theater named after B.Rimova
Zhambyl Kazakh Drama Theater
Zhambyl Regional Russian Drama Theater
Temirtau Theater for children and youth
Palace of Culture named after Kurmangazy
Kazakh National Orchestra of Folk Instruments named after Kurmangazy
Theater named after Zh. Shanina
Aubakirova Art Space
Republican State Academic Korean Musical Comedy Theater
Touring stage of Kyzylorda Drama Theatre named after Bekezhanov
Folk Youth Theatre Sovremennik
Palace of Music poster
School children's House No. 6
The Dariga-ai Youth Theatre
Russian Drama Theater named after F.M. Dostoevsky
Tour stage of the Karaganda Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy
Abai Theatre (Semey)
Kyrgyz National Opera and Ballet Theater named after Maldybayev
Drama Theater named after Ostrovsky
«Azerbaijan Mambetov State Drama and Comedy Theater» (Nomad City Hall)
A. Navoi State Academic Bolshoi Theatre
Acting school and children's theater «Game»
Russian Drama Theater in Tashkent
TSK «Tselinny»
Operetta Theater Repertoire
Youth Theater of Uzbekistan in Tashkent
THE.IMPRO art space
Puppet Theater and young audience in Shymkent
ORTA Center for Universal Arts
I. Omarov Theatre, Kostanay
Shanyrak Center
Russian Drama Theater named after Ch.Aitmatov
Театр традиционного искусства «Алатау»
J. Aymautov Theatre, Pavlodar
YUKO theater of satire and humor
Puppet Theater Petropavlovsk
East Kazakhstan Drama Theater
Theater named after N. Pogodin Petropavlovsk
I. Omarov Theater
Russian Drama Theatre of Kostanay
Tengri-Umai Art Platform
Kazakh Musical and Drama Theater named after S. Mukanov
Kostanay Puppet Theater
The Looking Glass Theater
Akmola Regional Russian Drama Theater
Пространство Трансформа
Kyzylorda Drama Theater named after Bekezhanov
Makhambet Utemisov Regional Drama Theatre
Turan University
Pavlodar Regional Drama Theater named after A. P. Chekhov
Zhastar Theatre
Astana Ballet
Theater «Svoy»
Theater workshop «House of Q»
Театр «Astana Ballet»
Astana Puppet Theatre
Saken Seifullin Theater
Театр им. Абая (Семей)
BUNKER ART-sanctuary
Interius, Razia Khasanova Theater
Yermashov Amateur Theatre
Russian Drama Theatre. Stanislavsky
Русский драматический театр г. Шымкент
The drama theatre.T. Ahtanov, Aktobe
Touring scene GARTD them. Lermontov
Theatre BT
Central Culture Palace
Republican German drama theatre
The Palace of culture of metallurgists of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk
Abay Opera Theatre
Kyzylorda regional music and drama theatre. N. Bekezhanova
Mangystau drama theatre. Zhanturina
Makhambet Utemisov Drama Theatre
Kazakh National Drama Theater named after M.Auezov
Ujgurskij Teatr Muzykalnoj Komedii
Touring stage of the Sats Youth Theater
G.Musrepov Youth Theatre
Deutsche Drama Theater
Theatre «Zhas Sahna»
Choreographic School A.V.Seleznev
The Abai Theater' s touring stage
State Puppet Theatre
The drama theatre. Gorky (Astana)
Theatre «The Attraction»
Lermontov Theater