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Charyn Canyon

Valley of Castles. Blast Tour   однодневный тур
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Charyn Canyon: Kurtogai + Valley of Castles   однодневный тур


07:30 - Сбор группы на Байтурсынова 100, выше ул. Абая возле станции метро Байконур
08:00 - Отъезд. Во время пути, рассказ путевой информации
11:30 – Прогулка по урочищу Куртогай

12:00 – Выезд в «Долину Замков»

12:40 - Пешая экскурсия по Чарынскому каньону (2,5 к в одну сторону)

14:00 - Свободное время, прогулка по окрестностям
16:00 – выезд в город  
*время указано ориентировочное и может изменяться в зависимости от разных обстоятельств

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Charyn Canyon Tours

Чарынский коньон

Every country has its own wonders of nature. And we have a lot of them in Kazakhstan. One of the most famous and beautiful natural attractions is the Charyn Canyon. He will not leave anyone indifferent, touching invisible strings in his soul and forcing him to come back here again and again…

Not a single description of the Charyn Canyon, not even the highest-quality photo, conveys the amazing picture that appears before the eyes of travelers who come every year to admire its incredible «architecture». For 12 million years, like a sculptor, he worked on all this architecture, carving the most bizarre sculptures and sculptures out of the rocks. Weathering and erosion of rocks have created here such picturesque natural phenomena as, for example, the most picturesque «Valley of Castles», «Witches Gorge» and many others.

Чарынский коньон
The walls of the canyon resemble the towers of fairy-tale castles, arches and pillars, silhouettes of animals and people, and even a cell phone. For its natural beauty, Charyn Canyon is often compared to the famous Grand Canyon in Colorado.