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Tour stage of the Karaganda Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy

Address: RK, Karaganda, Bukhar-Zhyrau ave., 32/2.

Contacts: +77212410137

Bus stop: Gornyakov Recreation Center

Parking: ground parking in front of the theater. Free. Check-in from Loboda Street.

Entrance: from Loboda Street

Ticket office: 87212412959

Buffet: -

The uniqueness of the Karaganda Academic Theater of Musical Comedy lies in the genre features of the institution, the lightness and charm of the productions perfectly demonstrates the established traditions of the theater. 

The theater began its work in November 1973, with I. Dunaevsky's operetta "Free Wind", and since then the theater has continued the glorious tradition of presenting life-affirming productions, praising talented artists with strong vocals and artistic skill. 

The theater is constantly expanding its repertoire, using innovative methods, inviting the best domestic and foreign professionals, and also participates in modern theatrical productions. There is a puppet studio "Pinocchio" at KATMK. Karaganda Academic Theater of Musical Comedy is known and loved not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad.

Photo source: httрs://kаtmk.kz/ru/