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Museum of G. Musrepov in Almaty

Date Time Hall Price
31.12.2024 09:00 Музей от 300 тг. Buy

Address: Tulebaeva Street 125.

Contact number: 8 727 272-82-86.

Metro: Almaly station.

Distance from the station: 600 meters.

Entrance: from the side of Tulebaev Street.

Parking: ground parking. Arrival on the trajectory of Karasai Batyr Street. Paid.

Work schedule: from Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00 to 18.00.

Gabit Musrepov and Sabit Mukanov are some of the personalities who have made Kazakh literature as we know it. In the works, they reflected the most intimate feelings of contemporaries and how the thinking of society changed under the pressure of social changes. The heritage left after them is not just fascinatingly written stories, it is the history of Kazakhstan, transmitted by the pen of talented writers. Not in vain they were awarded various prizes, and the main thing - folk recognition.


They were both extraordinary people. Wide outlook, sharp, creative look at life made them interesting interlocutors and reasonable mentors. Everyone who talked to Sabit Mukanovich or Gabit Mahmutovich noted in them a relentless thirst for creativity. You can plunge into the activity of writers and see how they felt the world around them in the literary and memorial complex dedicated to them.


History of creation

The variant of the museum, which exists nowadays, appeared in 1999 by means of uniting the museums, located in the apartments where the authors lived and worked. Now its exposition is 12 thousand items. Among them:

  • manuscripts;
  • photos;
  • letters;
  • personal belongings;
  • rare books.

The museum complex is divided into 2 halls, where the literary part of the house of S. Mukanov and G. Musrepov is presented. Here you will fully feel the atmosphere in which the writers worked. Here all house requisites and the exact arrangement of furniture, a rich library of Sabit Mukanovich (in it more than 4000 compositions are collected) and canes which were sharpened by Gabit Mahmutovich, in a word all that consisted of their every day (and not only) life are kept.

Besides, there are also books with autographs of Mikhail Sholokhov, Alexei Tolstoy and Mukhtar Auezov. The museum complex has also recently exhibited works of art:

  • Magzhan Zhumabaev;
  • Akhmet Baitursynova;
  • Zhusipbek Aimauytov;
  • Shakarim Kudaiberdiev;
  • Mirzhakip Dulatov.

The Literary and Memorial Museum Complex in Almaty often holds various events in order to expand the cultural space in the city. You can get to any of them by buying tickets on our website.

On this page, you will also find the address of the Literary and Memorial Museum Complex, a map with access to it and current contacts.