Репертуар театра им. Жантурина
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Saken Seifullin Theater

Theater repertoire


Address: Bukhar-Zhyrau Avenue, 25/1.

Contact number: 8 721 242 0298, 8 (7212) 41–39–89, 8 (7212) 42–02–97.

Bus stop: Miners' Palace of Culture station.

Entrance: from the side of Bukhar-Zhyrau Avenue.

Parking: two overground parking lots on the sides of the theatre for 80 cars. Free of charge. Check-in from the side of Bukhar-Zhyrau Avenue.

Здание Драматического театра им. Сакена Сейфуллина в Караганде


The history of the Karaganda Regional Kazakh Drama Theater named after Saken begins with the workers' and youth's theater, opened in 1932. People's Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zh. Shashkina, M. Surtibaev, R. Koishibayeva, A. Musabekova, Honored Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Shaimerdenov, Z. Koshkimbayev, T. Kossybayeva, Z. Zhakupov, A. Ibraev, M. Abdikarimov, as well as artists Bektenov, T. Sagintayev, O., Toybaev, B. Shalov, N. Zhabayev, E. Muksinov, T. Ilyasov, K. Kolbayeva, K. Mustafin, M. Bayazitova, A. Zhetimtaev, U. Abeuova, K. Akhmetova, Zh. Kartabaeva, O. Mananbayev, K. Tulkiev, K. Nugumanov, N. Kamalov, A. Salykov, M. Mukatayeva, M. Nikolaeva, Zh. Aukenova, T. Abylkasimov, K. Gabdullina, B. Koskekyzy, and other talented people.

From 1950 to 1980 many talented actors and directors worked at the theater. Dramatic compositions of the world and Kazakh classics have been staged.

In 1982, the Karaganda Regional Kazakh Drama Theater was awarded the People's Friendship Award.

In 1986, S.A. Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan E. Zhunusov Takenov, S. Kazhymuratov, student of M.M. Maksutov, actor K. Zhumabekov is a laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To date, the repertoire of the theater has about 100 performances. Along with Kazakh-Russian playwrights, the brotherly nations are staging works by Kyrgyz, Azerbaijani and Bashkir, Tatar, Turkic peoples and examples of world classics.

Фойе Драматического театра им. Сакена Сейфуллина в Караганде


S. The collective of the Karaganda regional Kazakh drama theater named after S.Seifullin dedicated the 85th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate in order to revive the historical consciousness, to integrate the lessons and teachings of the past into the modern generation. Toleubay's drama «Alikhan Bokeikhan». K. Zhumabekov's drama «Abay and Abish», st. Aiman-Sholap comedy by Auezov Isabekov's Passenger Pass, Zh. The last visit of the Saken, the Romeo-Juliet of Shakespeare, the Night of the Moon with Mustafa Karim; Aitmatov's «Mother is the Mother of the Earth»; «The Rose in the Body», by Williams, Nesin's «Murderer, my dove», A. Galin's performances, Kairan, Zhas Dauren and many more, have a solid audience on the theater repertoire.

The creative team of the theater takes part in many international, national and regional theater festivals every year, starting with the Grand Prix and returning with various prizes, artists, and actors.

Сцена и зрительские места в Драматическом театре им. Сакена Сейфуллина в Караганде
