Theater of the Young Actor Balaganchik
Theater repertoire
Address: Almaty, ul. Zhandosova, 2405 office
Phone: +7-701-720-33-00, +7-707-107-74-12
Opening hours: Daily from 11:00 to 21:00
Stop: City Hospital No. 12
Parking: there is, on the side of Zhandosov
Entrance: from Zhandosov's side
The Theater of the Young Actor Balaganchik is one of the most famous theaters in Almaty. The theater attracts attention with its bright and original approach to theatrical art.
Balaganchik is known for its productions for children and young people, which are distinguished by live acting, choreography and original scenic solutions. The actors of the theater have great skill and energy, which is transmitted to the audience through a bright and memorable performance.
In the repertoire of the theater, you can find both classical works and modern performances that penetrate the minds and hearts of the audience.