Pottery lesson
Features: Of course, you can pick up the product immediately after the lesson. But clay becomes ceramics and can contact water without destruction only after drying and firing in a muffle furnace. Therefore, we recommend picking up the product in 10-15 days. During this time, the clay will dry out, and we will be able to burn it.
Additionally: Finished products are given to the author. All materials, drying and firing are included in the price of the lesson. We give out pink aprons.
Description: At the lesson, under the guidance of an experienced teacher, you will create your own author's product from clay. It can be jewelry and tableware, souvenirs or interior items that will decorate your home.
The product can be covered with an angob during the lesson.
If you decide to cover your product with glazes, then after drying and firing, we will sign you up for another lesson.
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