Transformational game «Women's Happiness»
The host of the game «Women's Happiness» Evgenia Pyatova is a practising psychologist, art therapist and artist.
This month, the Transformational game Women's Happiness will be held twice this month
Women's Happiness is a psychological transformational game based on passing through 4 stages of the soul: Birth, Growth, Blooming, Maturity. The game has a «flower» metaphor. In the process of the game, the participant frees the «soil» of her soul from «weeds», after which she plants a «seed of happiness», grows it and receives fruits in the form of insights, new realisations, insights, practical recommendations for action.
Game Objective:
- To determine what is ‘hurting’ the participant the most right now;
- To remove the ‘emotional charge’ from a problematic or difficult situation;
- To work through the basic states of love, trust, acceptance, security, value, respect towards oneself and the world as a whole;
- To free oneself from hardened negative emotions, offences, fears, regrets, anxieties, dependencies, feelings of guilt, etc.
- Realise what the ‘true state of happiness’ is;
- To outline concrete steps on the way to a personal state of happiness.
The game helps:
- To take responsibility for the events in one's life;
- Get out of the state of ‘victim consciousness’;
- Realise the root causes of negative states, work through them;
- Accept ‘negative’ lived situations as the experience of the soul, in which it was trained and received lessons of the Soul (value-oriented approach);
- See the ‘offenders’ as Teachers;
- Transform the ‘negative’ experience into gratitude towards all participants in this life story;
- To open a new fresh look in oneself at what happened, to feel the state of forgiveness, remorse, lightness, joy of life;
- To see possibilities, hidden talents and potentials;
- To be filled with resources and go through life with a light heart and soul!
The game is the winner of the Golden Metaphor award. To play ‘Women's Happiness’ means to get an extraordinary experience, which will step by step open the depths of a woman's soul. And this is a game that can be played many times! The game of female happiness game for those girls and women who really want to be Happy, and seek and find it in themselves!
- Under 18 years of age;
- Mental illness;
- Mental retardation;
- Organic damage to the brain and / or nervous system;
- Severe forms of stroke;
- Depression, neurotic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar affective disorder (BAD);
- Alcohol or drug intoxication;
- Making an appointment with another person (without choice and informed consent and\or coercion);
- Injury of loss for up to one year;
- Pregnancy.
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