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The «Zhastar» Palace

Date Time Hall Price
07.07.2024 19:00 Зал от 2 500 тг. Buy
Ludovico Einaudi 2.1 in Astana   концерт
Date Time Hall Price
21.07.2024 20:00 800 зал от 6 000 тг. Buy
The World of Hans Zimmer in Astana   концерт
× представит новую программу музыки великого кинокомпозитора Ханса Циммера в исполнении симфонического оркестра и хора.

Ханс Циммер — немецкий кинокомпозитор, широко известный своей музыкой к фильмам. Циммер признан одним из наиболее инновационных композиторов в киноиндустрии. Его работы примечательны тем, что они сочетают звуки электронной музыки с традиционными оркестровыми аранжировками.

Многие киноленты Хансу удалось сделать узнаваемыми именно благодаря музыкальному сопровождению: «Интерстеллар», «Король Лев», «Начало», «Пираты Карибского моря», «Шерлок Холмс», «Темный рыцарь» — наверняка при упоминании этих картин вы сразу сможете вспомнить музыку. И в этом заслуга Ханса Циммера.

Date Time Hall Price
27.07.2024 20:00 800 зал от 6 000 тг. Buy
Date Time Hall Price
24.08.2024 18:00 Зал от 6 000 тг. Buy
Date Time Hall Price
25.08.2024 20:00 800 зал от 6 000 тг. Buy
Date Time Hall Price
28.08.2024 19:00 Зал от 20 000 тг. Buy
Date Time Hall Price
08.09.2024 20:00 800 зал from 6 000 tg. Buy
Date Time Hall Price
28.09.2024 19:00 Зал от 10 000 тг. Buy
Date Time Hall Price
11.10.2024 19:00 800 зал от 8 000 тг. Buy

Address: Avenue of the Republic, 34.

Contact number: 8 (7172) 32678, 8 7172 328091.

Entrance: from the side of Republic Avenue.

Parking: ground parking in front of the establishment for 20 cars. Check-in from the side of Republic Avenue.

Bicycle parking: 35, Republic Avenue, School No. 3.

Источник фото:

Zhastar Palace in Astana appeared in 1974, then it was called «Youth». Its author was V. Toskin - Honored Architect of Kazakhstan. The main purpose of Zhastar's activity is to provide and organize connections between different institutions and all segments of the population.

Excursion into History

The construction of the Youth Palace building was not easy. Because of the complex geology, it was necessary to make the base of the building as strong as possible. For this purpose, as if a floor standing on 8 columns was built above the ground, on which the whole building was placed. This architectural maneuver was appreciated and the project won the State Prize of the USSR. The palace's uniqueness lies in the fact that for that time it was among the first objects in the Soviet space with multifunctional, transformable space: the hall and the arena were separated by a lifting curtain, which allowed them to unite and conduct large-scale events.

Today, Zhastar Palace includes:

  • 8 creative studios;
  • 1 25 meters long pool;
  • 1 sports ground of 835.5 square meters;
  • cinema-concert hall for 940 people;
  • 2nd foyer for exhibitions on the 1st and 2nd floor of the total S 2,064 square meters.

Playbill of Zhastar Palace in Astana

Источник фото:

In the palace's schedule you will see plays, festivals, charity events, spartakiads, colorful shows and much more, because «Zhastar» is a place where absolutely different events are held, for example:

  • sporting events;
  • cultural events;
  • city festivals and carnivals.

Let's talk about it, perhaps it is not only because of the universality of this room but also because it is conveniently located: in the center of the right bank.

You can find information about the upcoming cultural and sporting events in Zhastar Palace at Ticketon service. Here, you can also buy tickets for any of them online. To do this, you need to perform the actions prompted by the system and pay with one of the options presented. After that, within a few minutes, the tickets will come to your specified email address. You can use them electronically, from your smartphone screen. Important information: to avoid cases of fraud, do not show anybody the tickets, namely the QR code placed on them.