Репертуар театр им. Муканова
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Сосновый бор

Address: Petropavlovsk, Voroniy Island, 10

Phone: +77051346640

Opening hours: Daily from 10:00 to 22:00


Parking space:


The pine forest on the Raven Island in Petropavlovsk is a real paradise for nature lovers and fans of outdoor activities. This is a place where you can enjoy the beauty of wildlife and spend time with health benefits.

Pine forest on Raven Island is an incredible place where the beauty of nature and opportunities for active recreation are combined. Here you can walk along picturesque paths, enjoy wonderful views of the Irtysh River and the city of Petropavlovsk, as well as do outdoor sports.

The peculiarity of the pine forest on Raven Island is its uniqueness - it is the only forest in the city that preserves its wildlife and is not subject to human intervention. Here you can see many species of vegetation and animals that live in this corner of nature.