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Kazakh National Conservatory Kurmangazy

Address: Abylai Khan Avenue 90, corner of Karasai Batyr Street.

Contact number: 8 727 261 76 40.

Metro: Almaly station.
Distance from the station: 550 meters.

Entrance: from the side of Abylai Khan Avenue.

Parking: available from Abylai Khan Avenue and Bogenbay Batyr Street. Parking for visitors free of charge.

Canteen: Korean cuisine is 400 meters away.

The Kurmangazy Conservatory is a wonderful place for all those who are able to appreciate quality music performed professionally. In the Great Concert Hall of the institution, the most famous groups of the world perform, offering the listeners to touch the high art.

Казахская национальная консерватория имени Курмангазы

Источник фото: https://www.conservatoire.edu.kz/ru/gallery/gala-kontsert-konservatorii-2012-g-/

The online resource Ticketon will allow you to get acquainted with the poster and repertoire of the Almaty State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, without breaking away from the monitor. On the site, you will also find the address of the institution and will be able to buy tickets for any event held by the Conservatory in Almaty.

The fullness of tradition and the spirit of the time

The Kazakh National Conservatory was founded in 1944, and in 1945 it was named after the outstanding composer of the XIX century K. K. Sagyrbayev.

Remaining one of the leading universities in the country, the Sagyrbayev Conservatory is one of the leading universities in the country. Kurmangazy graduates specialists who later joined almost all concert organizations and ensembles of the republic.

Among the performers on stage at the Kurmangazy Conservatory in Almaty can be seen:

  • bright soloists;
  • Creative groups;
  • international stars from other countries.

The large organ hall for 500 seats, located in the university, is an architectural landmark and a prestigious demonstration site of the city. In addition, there is a chamber hall for 170 students and spectators and a small hall for 236 listeners.

Зал Казахской национальной консерватории имени Курмангазы

Источник фото: https://www.conservatoire.edu.kz/ru/gallery/gala-kontsert-konservatorii-2012-g-/

Conservatory billboard.

Under the roof of the facility musical events of various formats are held, including

  • festivals;
  • Piano evenings;
  • Concerts of philharmonic and brass bands;
  • Organist and symphony music programs;
  • performances by vocal ensembles;

Fans of foreign rhythms can come to the concerts of jazz performers, and young visitors will undoubtedly enjoy a fascinating journey into the world of musical instruments

Казахская национальная консерватория имени Курмангазы в Алматы

Источник фото: https://www.conservatoire.edu.kz/ru/gallery/gala-kontsert-konservatorii-2012-g-/