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comic ensemble

Aldaraspan Kazakh team working in the comedy genre. It consists of nine artists, many of whom used to play in KVN.

Creative Way

The founder of the show is Nurzhan Tolendiev. Being a humorist by profession and a successful entrepreneur, in 2009 he decided to create a creative association that will compose jokes, funny miniatures and performs entertainment sketches.


In about a couple of months, he recruited talented humorists and invited them to perform under one name. The formed team started to create the first program. So, about six months later, Aldaraspan gave a concert in one of the small halls. Despite the lack of popularity, the performance was full of house.


Having earned the first popularity, they began to actively develop in different directions. The music area began to develop, even some songs were recorded.


Now the ensemble practically all the time spends on tours across the country and everywhere it is welcomed cordially. The separate attention is given to the Internet where they lay out the ready works.

Interesting facts

  1. They run their own YouTube channel. It is signed by more than 300 thousand people, the videos collect an average of half a million views.
  2. The social network Vkontakte has created a fan public, in which new performances are posted.
  3. Many local channels show their concerts, which are in great demand among the public.