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Altynay Asylmuratova

Altynay Asylmuratova

Date of Birth
01.01.1961 (63), Almaty, Kazakhstan

Who by the sign of zodiac

dancer, choreographer

Altynay Asylmuratova in her time was a prima ballerina of the Royal and Marseille Ballets and soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre. Her titanic success is based on her love of ballet and her great diligence. Today she does not perform, but she does teach.

Creative Way

Since childhood Altynay loved choreography, warmed up her atmosphere in which she grew up: Altynay's parents are also ballet dancers. After school she left for Leningrad, where she was admitted to the Kirov Theatre. Later there were works in London and Marseille. From the beginning of the 2000s she focused on teaching: she shared her skills with young ballerinas in the school named after Kirov. She shared her mastery with young ballerinas at Vaganova College and received a professorship degree. In 2002 and 2012 she was invited as a jury at the International Competition in Lausanne.

family life

Married to Soviet and Russian artist Konstantin Zaklinsky, he was her permanent partner throughout almost the entire choreographic career in Altynay. His daughter Anastasia was born in the marriage and followed in her parents' footsteps. She is currently part of the Mariinsky Theatre Company, and in 2016 she took over the Astana Opera.

Interesting facts

  1. She starred in the movie "Egyptian Nights" as Cleopatra.
  2. Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR, Russia, winner of the Baltika and Golden Soffit awards.
  3. Since 2016, she has taught at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography.