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Arstan Myrzagereev

Arstan Myrzagereev

Date of Birth
22.02.1987 (37), Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign

actor, singer, showman

Arstan Myrzageriev is known not only as a film actor but also as a talented performer and presenter.  


A career in creativity

Back in his student years, Arystan started working, and after graduating from the KazNAI named after Zhurgenov in 2010, his active career "went up in arms". In the same period, he began acting in films, led corporate and TV programs.

The drama "Jump" was a debut for a young actor. This was followed by other films with Arystan Myrzagereev, this:

  • "The Lake";
  • "Asel, friends and girlfriends."
  • "Janym 2."

Arystan Myrzagereev: family life

Married to the singer and Miss Almaty (2012) Aigerim Uzembaeva.


Interesting facts:

  • Two weeks before the shooting of the movie "Jump" Arystan mastered the game of basketball. The young man watched a lot of records of the games of Michael Jordan and the film tried to repeat all the movements behind him, as deftly throwing the ball in the basket.
  • He was a former member of the Dostar group.
  • Arystan does fitness in his spare time to keep himself in shape. From time to time he is fond of boxing, takes part in sports programs. His last project was in 2012. - "Champion", which was broadcast on the "Khabar" channel.
  • In addition to the theatrical education, he graduated from the faculty of "Jurisprudence".