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Beybit Corgan

Beybit Corgan

Date of Birth
17.09.1981 (43), Atyrau region

Who's on the zodiac sign
The Virgin

Beybit Corgan was born in Bereke village, Atyrau region, in an ordinary family. But his parents, noticing the desire for music in his child, did not prevent him, but on the contrary, supported him in every way. As a result, in 2000, after the performance at the "Zhas Kanat" contest, the Kazakh audience for the first time talked about singer Babit Koran. The young performer took 3rd place and since then his life has been always connected with music.

Two years later, Babit tried his hand in Shanghai, where he won the title of "Singer of the Year". Then there was participation in competitions "Asia Dauys", "Daryn" and in the festival of Turkic countries in Ankara. The solo quarry went up in the mountains. Beybit Corgan's songs immediately "found" their listeners. His singles were constantly rotated on radio stations and music channels. Ah, Beybit Corgan's "Shock Kyzdar" video had 6,406 hits on the Internet.

The popularity of the already "established" artist continues to grow. Beybit Corgan's concerts are always a full house. In general, his creative work is very effective. At the moment, Babith has over 50 songs and dozens of clips in his arsenal. Also, Babit often participates in charity concerts in different cities of Kazakhstan.

In the domestic show business, Babit Corgan is also famous for his scandalous character. A loud incident occurred to him in 2011 when journalist Aynur Sapar did not please the singer with a question. According to the correspondent, she was kept locked up for about an hour and injured. A year earlier, Babith Corgan was involved in the interrogation in the case of the beating of Aidar Dautov, with whom he was on the Almaty-Atyrau flight.  

Beybit Corgan: Privacy

Beybit is married. Together with his wife, they raise two sons and one daughter.