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Dastan Orazbekov

Dastan Orazbekov

Date of Birth
05.02.1982 (42), Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign

Dastan Orazbekov is an actor and singer who has fallen in love with the audience for his talents and sense of humor. Since childhood, Dastan was fond of music, so when he grew up, together with his brother Rustem and brothers Bedelhanov they organized Mr. Orazbekov. "The Orda". At first, the guys performed in the theater "Bauyrzhan Show". Their sparkling humor and fervent songs quickly fell in love with listeners and the first big performance of the band was held in the Palace of the Republic, on May 9.  The "chip" of Dastan Orazbekov was folk songs. In general, Dastan is very reverent and loves the work of Abai and gladly performs the songs of the famous educator of the Kazakh people.

Creative path

As they say - a talented man, talented in everything, so is Dastan. In parallel with his work in the "Horde" team, he is engaged in an acting career. His film debut in 2010 was "Astana - My Love", where Dastan Orazbekov played the main role. Ah, after the movie "My Heart is Astana" he had to apologize to his wife for the bed scene with Asel Sagatova. Then there were films:

  • "The Prelate."
  • Forbidden dancing;
  • Fuga. The road to nowhere.

Dastan does not dwell on work in the cinema. For him, it's just as a part of his creative life, where there was a place and works in the team "Aby, hello Kalamkas", the solo project "Tumarym" and songwriting. In the present day, the artist continues to perform and act actively in films.

Dastan Orazbekov: Family life

Wife of Dastan Orazbekova Zhanat. With her, he met at a party of friends and immediately felt sympathy. But circumstances developed so that Dastan was forced to leave for a year Moscow. All this time the lovers talked virtually, and when Dastan returned, he proposed to his beloved singing at 5 am serenade under her window. Now the couple is raising two sons.


Interesting facts:

  1. Started with folk vocals.
  2. Used to box and bodybuilding.
  3. His debut in the movie series "Astana - the Mahabbat Menin."