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Almas Chayakhmetov

Almas Chayakhmetov

Date of Birth
04.02.1987 (38), Koktal settlement, Urzhar district, KazSSR

Zodiac sign

Almas Chayakhmetov is still quite young by acting standards but has already managed to become famous as one of the most promising artists of his generation. Awards, invitations to filming and TV shows his talent and brilliant prospects for his career.

Creative path

Almas came to the acting profession almost by chance: at one of the family celebrations he was asked to sing, and the present teacher of the Almaty Academy of Arts invited him to an audition. In 2004, Almas Chayakhmetov graduated from school and entered the department as a theater and film actor.

During his studies at Almas, he was turned into a drama theater named after Auezov and was accepted into a troupe of performances with the participation of Almas Chayakhmetov always memorable, as well as the characters he played. It is not by chance that he won the "Serper" award as the best young actor in 2006.

In films, Almas does not appear as often as he does on the theatre stage. It is worth noting from his film works:


  1. "The Army of Thousands of Children";
  2. "My Sinful Angel."
  3. "Duty."

At the same time, Almas is often filmed in video clips of popular performers: Zhigitter Quartet and Arai band.

Almas Chayakhmetov: family life

The artist tells little and reluctantly about his private life. The actor is married and educates two daughters. According to his own words, he would not want the children to follow in his footsteps.

Interesting facts


1. Missed the school graduation ball, as he was busy preparing to enter the theater academy.


2. Dreams of playing leading roles in the dramas "Abai" and "Hamlet".


3. Together with other actors, he participated in a meeting with students of the Almaty University of Management.