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Asel Sadvakasova

Asel Sadvakasova

Date of Birth
31.01.1985 (40), Alma-Ata, USSR


Zodiac sign

Asel Sadvakasova began her career as a singer but gradually went to the cinema, where she was successful as an actress. Recently she has been developing her own production agency.


Her artistic career


In 2002 she was cast in Dauys, where she was a soloist. She also sang solo songs in parallel.

Since 2010, she started shooting in a big movie. Spectators may know her from the main roles in the films "The Bachelor" and "Locust".

In 2015 she founded the company Sunny Production, which helps young stars to get to the "top" and selects suitable projects for them. In the same period, she started to run several TV shows on TV, which was positively received by the public. The talent and ability to present material competently played into the hands of the audience.

Asel Sadvakasova: family life

The girl spends most of her time at work. Asel Sadvakasova puts movies and show business in the first place and is not yet ready to be married.


Interesting facts:


1. Graduated from two universities. She has diplomas in journalism and psychology.


2. As a child, her parents sent her to music school, to learn to play the piano.


3. She earned the greatest recognition as an actress thanks to her participation in the film "The Jump", which was highly appreciated by critics.