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Gainikamal Baikoshkarova

Gainikamal Baikoshkarova

Date of Birth
08.02.1943 (82), Semey, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign


Gainikamal Baikoshkarova is one of the brightest and most experienced stars of the Auezov Drama Theatre. Her talent and professionalism set an example for her younger colleagues.

Her Creative Way

The future artist graduated from the school in her native Semipalatinsk and entered the State Conservatory in Almaty. Having completed the course "Theatre and Cinema Actress", she joined the troupe of TUZ named after G. Musperov.

At that time on the stage, there were many talented novice actors, their ranks and joined Gainikamal Baikoshkarov. The performances in Kazakh for children and teenagers did not meet the ambitions of the dramatic actress, and in 1974 Gaynikamal started working at the Auezov Theatre. Now the actress has more than 80 theatrical images in dramas and comedies:


  • "Ayman-Sholpan";
  • "The Downsizing of States";
  • "Mahambet."
  • "Big Sister";
  • "The Seagull."
  • "Night by Candlelight."
  • "sister-in-law mutiny."
  • "The White Steamship."
  • "Doll's House", etc.

Among the roles in the films, we should mention the film "Allazhar", dedicated to the protests in Kazakhstan in 1986 and the subsequent repressions. From more modern works in cinema one can recall the mini-series "Gentlemen Officers", "The Road to Clouds" and the series "Officer's Honor". 

Gainikamal Baikoshkarov: family life

She prefers not to talk about privacy, but it is known that she has two grandchildren with whom she enjoys spending time.         

Interesting facts:

  1. Winner of the medal "10 years of Independence of Kazakhstan".
  2. The film "Allazhar" with her participation was ambiguously received by the authorities and still has not reached the mass viewer.
  3. In 2003, it received the Order of "Kurmet" from Nursultan Nazarbayev.